Den britiske avis The Guardian har i december 2018 udvalgt Harpiks – eller Resin – som en af årets bedste bøger. Harpiks udkom på engelsk i august 2018 på forlaget Doubleday (Penguin) i oversættelse af Charlotte Barslund.
“Liv Horder and her parents, the subjects of Resin by Ane Riel, are my top contenders for fictive dysfunctional family of the year. They read like the invention of modern-day Brothers Grimm, and the plot, a thoroughly unsettling tale of possessive love, is equally macabre.”
Også aviserne The Telegraph og The Daily Express havde Harpiks på listen over årets bedste bøger. Sidstnævnte kaldte bogen ‘a close runner-up’ til årets bedste thriller!
“I devoured this beautifully written, ethereal novel, praying that Liv would survive her father’s all-consuming love.”
Link til anmeldelsen i The Daily Express